Stay With Me Lord

Stay with me Lord, present in the tabernacle
Make your home in my heart
Do not leave me alone
I do not trust myself for a second without you
Without your grace, I can do nothing
Without your presence, I am nothing
So please stay with me

Stay with me Lord,
I am inclined to sin always
Evil only, my mind conjures
The good I do, is from you alone
Promises made today, I break tomorrow
Holy thoughts imagined one second
Evil thoughts envelope the next second
My nature is utterly helpless
I am miserable without you, so stay with me.

Stay with me Lord, I humbly pray
Temper your justice with mercy
You are ever patient with my many faults
Daily I struggle with vices too numerous to count
But as long as there is life in me
I will call on you my savior for help and mercy
And you will wash away my iniquities till
the end of my earthly sojourn
So please stay with me

Stay with me Lord, I cannot live without you
Without your breath, I have no life
Without your words, I have no voice
I need your body to fill my hunger
I need your blood, to quench my thirst
Without your strength, I can do nothing
All is from you by grace alone
I have neither earned nor deserve any merit
Except just punishment for my sins, so stay with me

Stay with my Lord, my love, my all
My heart sadly is always in a sorry state
But please do not leave else I perish
Wash it clean with your blood
Illuminate it with your saving grace
Teach me truth from your lips
Light the path of salvation and guide my feet
That I may walk through the thorns, storms and squalls
Drawing from the graces you bestow
through your church: Eucharist, reconciliation,
succor from your dear mother, ours too.
Thus rejuvenated and renewed,
that I may give hope and joy to all I meet so
They may draw strength to bear their crosses too
As we all journey home to our Father’s kingdom
To the very place reserved for each and every child.
So stay with me Lord throughout my journey

~Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi
January 22, 2012


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